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The Student News Site of Immaculata-La Salle High School

Royal Courier

The Student News Site of Immaculata-La Salle High School

Royal Courier

The Student News Site of Immaculata-La Salle High School

Royal Courier

Alexandra Perez

Alexandra Perez, Co-Editor In Chief and Social Media Editor

Better known as Ali, for her senior year she is focused on developing her writing skills and spending time with friends. Ali has been a part of the Royal Courier since sophomore year, beginning as a writer and working her way up to editor in chief.

All content by Alexandra Perez
ChatGPT's short answer to this question is, "No." Read below to learn why.

I Spent an Hour Talking to ChatGPT: Did I Create a Friendship?

Alexandra Perez, Co-Editor In Chief and Social Media Editor
March 28, 2025
Did you know that the ancient Babylonians are believed to be the first to make New Year’s resolutions by promising to pay off debts and return borrowed items to start the new year with a clean slate? (

Bye ‘24, Hello ‘25: Are You Ready for a Fresh Start?

Alexandra Perez, Co-Editor In Chief and Social Media Editor
January 15, 2025
Results from 23andMe, a DNA ancestry kit, are displayed like this to users. A breakdown of the results are provided, showing one’s genetic and ancestral makeup.

Pulling Back the Curtain: DNA Ancestry Kits

Alexandra Perez, Co-Editor In Chief and Social Media Editor
November 14, 2024
The word “freshman” originated in 16th century Germany. It derives from the German word “freschmann,” meaning newcomer or novice.

Dear Freshmen: Sincerely, The Seniors

Alexandra Perez, Co-Editor In Chief and Social Media Editor
September 12, 2024
Think before you click. That incredible deal for you may cost someone else unfairly.

Your Go-to Fast Fashion Brand Exposed

Alexandra Perez, Co-Editor In Chief and Social Media Editor
November 16, 2023
ADMA club visits the CCD kids of Notre Dame D’Haiti Church

ADMA club visits the CCD kids of Notre Dame D’Haiti Church

Alexandra Perez, Co-Editor In Chief and Social Media Editor
November 13, 2023
Snapchats My AI feature, set to be someone who would always answer, was left users wondering about what the company referred to as merely a "glitch."

Snapchat Users Freak Out Over AI bot Having Mind of its Own

Alexandra Perez, Co-Editor In Chief and Social Media Editor
August 25, 2023
Although BeReal claims to be global, it is only offered in seven languages out of the 7000 used worldwide.

After a Promising Start, BeReal Loses Large Number of Users

Alexandra Perez, Co-Editor In Chief and Social Media Editor
May 31, 2023
The Miami-Dade Trolley app makes taking the trolley simple. The tracker allows users to identify their location as well as take them to the nearest stop. With the tracker, additionally, users can also see at what times various trolleys are set to arrive to their location.

Public Transportation is Great, Until it’s Not

Alexandra Perez, Co-Editor In Chief and Social Media Editor
May 18, 2023
The official Mother's Day holiday arose in the 1900s as a result of the efforts of Anna Jarvis, daughter of Ann Reeves Jarvis. Following her mother's 1905 death, Anna Jarvis conceived of Mother's Day as a way of honoring the sacrifices mothers made for their children. (

Mother’s Day Gift Ideas For Next Year

Alexandra Perez, Co-Editor In Chief and Social Media Editor
May 12, 2023
Did you know according to a study of middle- school-aged kids published in the Journal of School Violence, students noted that their peers are better behaved when wearing school uniforms. They also reported an increase in perceived safety and a decrease in bullying. (

What is the Point of School Dress Codes?

Alexandra Perez, Co-Editor In Chief and Social Media Editor
May 12, 2023
Fans took to social media to express their displeasure with regard to the high ticket prices for Drake's upcoming tour.

Drake Fans Outraged by High “It’s All a Blur” Ticket Prices

Alexandra Perez, Co-Editor In Chief and Social Media Editor
April 28, 2023
Stores sell St. Patty's themed items in hopes of selling to buyers in order to gain or increase their profits.

The Commercialization of St. Patrick’s Day: How this Year was Different

Alexandra Perez, Co-Editor In Chief and Social Media Editor
March 28, 2023
A little known fun fact is that Albert Einstein's birthday happens to coincide with Pi Day.

What Exactly is Pi Day?

Alexandra Perez, Co-Editor In Chief and Social Media Editor
March 17, 2023
The cycle of Haileys' bullying, copying and obsession with Selena has continued.

Selena Gomez and Hailey Bieber Drama as Latter is labeled a “Bully”

Alexandra Perez, Co-Editor In Chief and Social Media Editor
March 10, 2023
Netflix’s long loved feature of password sharing has come to an end.

Netflix Legacy Coming to an End?

Alexandra Perez, Co-Editor In Chief and Social Media Editor
March 2, 2023
The Chinese balloon was spotted moments before being shot down.

Is China Spying on Us?: Mysterious Balloon Spotted Over U.S. Territory

Alexandra Perez, Co-Editor In Chief and Social Media Editor
February 16, 2023
Tuba player and sophomore Etienne at the of the first day of Catholic School's Week, when ILS celebrated Don Bosco Day. The tuba is so big, it is hard to see him.

What Exactly is Catholic Schools Week?

Alexandra Perez, Co-Editor In Chief and Social Media Editor
February 3, 2023
A student googles “essay writer website”. She is faced with a choice of morality, to use this website or to close the tab and do the right thing.

The Real Reason Using Essay Generators isn’t a Smart Choice

Alexandra Perez, Co-Editor In Chief and Social Media Editor
January 26, 2023
Sophomore Marcella Orlandini writes down her New Years goals. Journaling is an easy way to keep track of your resolution and progress. Write down how far you have come and take note of all the improvements you have made.

Staying Consistent with your 2023 Resolutions

Alexandra Perez, Co-Editor In Chief and Social Media Editor
January 19, 2023
Online users beware! What you post may live forever and be discovered by others to your detriment.

Is Every Action you Take on Social Media Stuck with you Forever?

Alexandra Perez, Co-Editor In Chief and Social Media Editor
December 15, 2022
The coveted World Cup trophy is up for grabs between all those participating in the fifa World Cup.

2022 FIFA World Cup: Soccer Event of the Year

Alexandra Perez, Co-Editor In Chief and Social Media Editor
November 16, 2022
Will Football Team Turn Their Season Around?

Will Football Team Turn Their Season Around?

Alexandra Perez, Co-Editor In Chief and Social Media Editor
November 7, 2022
One way to support your faith is through the practice of daily prayer.

The Importance of Faith

Alexandra Perez, Co-Editor In Chief and Social Media Editor
October 27, 2022
ILS Open House: An Event to Remember

ILS Open House: An Event to Remember

Alexandra Perez, Co-Editor In Chief and Social Media Editor
October 21, 2022
Your Guide on How to Go All Out for Hoco Week

Your Guide on How to Go All Out for Hoco Week

Alexandra Perez, Co-Editor In Chief and Social Media Editor
October 14, 2022
Your 22’/23’ Freshman SGA Board

Your 22’/23’ Freshman SGA Board

Alexandra Perez, Co-Editor In Chief and Social Media Editor
October 2, 2022
An example of the tiny homes looks much as these do. The efforts to address this issue are moving quickly and effectively.

Too Many Homeless to Handle

Alexandra Perez, Co-Editor In Chief and Social Media Editor
September 27, 2022
Netflix loss of a variety of shows and movies is causing a loss in there popularity. This is the message many subscribers receive when looking for a show/movie.

Who Even Watches Netflix Anymore?

Alexandra Perez, Co-Editor In Chief and Social Media Editor
September 15, 2022
Cubans gathered at La Ermita surrounding a statue of Our Lady of Charity

Why a Random Thursday Off?

Alexandra Perez, Co-Editor In Chief and Social Media Editor
September 9, 2022
The Father Felix Varela statue located at La Ermita in Miami.

The Inspiring Story of Father Felix Varela

Alexandra Perez, Co-Editor In Chief and Social Media Editor
September 2, 2022
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